스테인레스 강의 특성과 용도
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스테인레스 강의 특성과 용도
Classification | Characteristics | Usage | |
Austenitic | 301 | Has lower Cr, Ni content than 304 steel. Its tensile strength increases with cold working. It is non-magnetic but becomes magnetic when cold worked. | 기차, 항공기부품, 벨트콘베이어,자동차,볼트,스프링,자동차휘커버 |
301L | 301L is produced by lowering the C content in 301 in order to improve grain boundary corrosion resistance of the welding part. A drop in strength due to reduced C content is reinforced by adding N. | 기차프레임,건물외장재 | |
303 | Improved machining by adding S. | 가정용품,볼트,너트,기계부품 | |
304 | Most widely used steel type. 304 is known for good corrosion resistance, thermal resistance, low-temperature strength and mechanical properties. 304 has good drawability such as deep drawing and bending. 304 is not hardened by heat treatment. (non-magnetic, usable temperature: -196~800°C) | 부엌용품,싱크대,내장용배관,보일러,욕조,자동차부품(와이퍼,머플러,몰딩),의학용계장품,건물자재,화학설비,음식 유제품산업,용기 | |
304L | 304L is low carbon 304 steel. Under normal conditions, it has similar corrosion resistance to 304. Excellent resistance to inter-granular corrosion after welding and stress relieving. Has corrosion resistant properties without heat treatment and is generally used at temperatures under 400°C(non-magnetic, usable temperature:-196~800°C) | 내구성이 요하는 화학, 석탄, 석유용 기계 및 공구, 내열부품과 열처리가 어려운 부분품용 | |
304Cu | By adding Cu, it has anti-microbial property and good drawability. Useful for deep drawing products which requires a hygienic environment | 보온병,싱크,용기,집단배식설비,문손잡이,방적용 | |
304N1 | 304steel is made by lowering the S and Mn content in 304 steel and adding N to prevent ductility reduction. Strength is improved and thickness reduced. | 구조강,가로등,물탱크,물 파이프 | |
304LN | Strength and inter-granular corrosion resistance are improved by adding N. | 구조강,열교환기,화학용기 | |
304H,M,S | Steel types formed for wire rods by adjusting the C content in 304 steel. Strength increases with cold drawing. | H: 와이어로프,후크, CD Bars M: mesh, bolts, nuts, CD Bars S: mesh | |
304HA,HC | Steel types formed for wire rods by adjusting the C content in 304. Good cold workability and free-cutting property. | HA: shaft HC: 중형 및 대형 볼트 및 너트 HD: CD Bars HN: 못 | |
305 | High Ni content. Non-magnetic and suitable for deep drawing use due to good cold formality. | 식기류, 전기용품 | |
316 | Excellent corrosion resistance, pitting corrosion resistance and high temperature strength by adding Mo. Useful in severe/harsh conditions. Excellent work hardening (non-magnetic). | 해수용기기,화학용기기,종이,염료,비료,사진 및 식품산업 그리고 해안지역 건설용, 로프,CD Bars,너트,볼트 | |
316L | Low carbon steel type. Has the normal properties of 316 plus excellent inter-granular corrosion resistance. | 입자경계 부식에 적합 | |
316S | Has 316 steel properties and suitable for ultra fine wire. | Mesh | |
321 | By adding Ti, prevents intra-granular corrosion, suitable for temperatures between 430°C~900°C | 비행기 배기관, 보일러, 열교환기 | |
Ferritic | 409L | By adding Ti, 409L has good weldability and drawability. | 자동차 배기관, 열교환기, 후열처리가 필요하지 않은 콘테이너 |
410L | Excellent welding bendability by lowering the C content in 410 steel; high temperature oxidation resistance (magnetic). | 기계 프레임, 엔진 배기관, 보일러 연소기, 버너 | |
430 | 430 is the basic ferritic steel type. 430 is known for low thermal expansion rate and excellent drawing and oxidation resistance. | 내열공구, 버너, 가정용품, 싱크카바, 건물재, 너트,볼트,CD Bars, mesh | |
430J1L | Adding Mo,Ti and Nb results in good corrosion resistance, weldability and high temperature oxidation resistance. | 세탁기계 드럼,자동차배기관, 전기용품, 3중 라미네이트 용기 | |
436L | Adding Mo,Ti and Nb results in excellent corrosion resistance, drawability and weldability. | 자동차 배기관, 온수공급설비 | |
Martensitic | 410 | 410 is the basic martensite steel type known for its good strength but it is not suitable for uses in harsh/severe corrosion conditions. 410 hardens with heat treatment (magnetic). | 일반용도칼, 기계부품, 정유설비부품, 볼트, 너트, 펌프축, 수저, 포크 |
420J1 | In quenching condition, has high strength and good corrosion resistance (magnetic) | 쪽집게, 부엌칼, 터빈날개 | |
420J2 | Compared to 420J1, higher post-quenching strength (magnetic). | 칼날, 노즐, 밸브, 자, 가위, 일반용 칼 |
스테인레스 강관의 특성 및 용도 (Characteristics and their Use)
규 격 (Grades) | 특 성 | 용 도 | |||
KS | JIS | ASTM | DIN | ||
STS | SUS | TP | 1.4301 | 우수한 내식성, 내열성, 저온인성을 가지며 성형가공성 및 | 화학공업설비, 식품공업배관, 차량부품, |
STS | SUS | TP | 1.4306 | 저탄소의 Ni-Cr강으로 보통상태에서 내식성은 304와 유사 | 석유화학공업, 화학섬유공업, |
STS | SUS | TP | 1.4401 | 2~3% Mo의 첨가와 동시에 Ni함량을 증가시킨 것으로 | 석유화학공업, 합성섬유공업, 화학비료 |
STS | SUS | TP | 1.4404 | 저탄소의 Mo함유 Ni-Cr강으로서 316의 특성과 유사하나 | 제지펄프공업, 화학섬유공업, 염색기계, |
STS | SUS | TP | 1.4845 | 최고의 Cr%를 가진 오스테나이트계 강종으로서 C의 양을 | 초산탱크 기타의 화학공업장치 저항기등 |
STS | SUS | TP | 1.4016 | Ferrite계의 대표적 강종으로서 양호한 냉간 가공성, | 가정용 주방기구, 제당공업, 자동차부품 |